
Making Sure Your Measurement System Is Trustworthy


As part of their product quality planning cycle, companies collect dimensional measurement data for manufactured parts to better understand their production process and to perform continuous improvements. But how can this data be trusted to determine the stability and capability of a manufacturing process, as well as its ability to meet dimensional requirements? To obtain trustworthy results, a measurement system analysis (MSA) is performed prior to production through repeatability and Gauge R&R studies. These studies can be quite complex to set up and execute, and require extensive knowledge of statistics to obtain the appropriate results. InnovMetric proposes an easy-to-use and fully integrated software solution to perform these studies.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The key concepts of measurement system analysis and their practical application.
  • How to easily set up and execute repeatability and Gauge R&R studies in PolyWorks|Inspector™ for 3D scanning and probing measurement devices.
  • How to obtain the data directly in Excel, in preformatted tables that are ready for analysis and for sharing results with your colleagues, using the PolyWorks|ReportLoop™ plug-in.

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